Wednesday, January 4, 2012

they bring out the kid in all of us

This morning the sun shone brightly, but the air was still cold and the wind had yet to lay down. After a leisurely breakfast, we decided to go to the Dolphin Research Center.  We bundled up, as it was sure to feel more cold out by the water.  I have decided that there is something seriously wrong with a person if they can watch the dolphins and not break out in a grin.  There also is something missing in a person who looks into these beautiful animal's eyes and not have one's voice go up an octive as if talking to a small child.  That's just what this place does to me, and what it does to most the guests who visit there.  It's just a happy place, all the way around. See if these photos don't make you smile, too.

well, hello there Luna!
everybody wave!
Molly has learned a new trick, she can play the matching game!
This guy didn't speak English, but he spoke dolphin...everybody who
gets a dolphin ride is all smiles!
SPLASH FIGHT!!! Guess who's losing?!
This one always cracks me up, dolphins pretending to swim like sharks :P
Showing off :)  I just love dolphins!
Miss Karen is sunbathing while Kilo cruises by...say kids, are these seals
or sea lions?  Do you know how to tell the difference by looking at them?

What is this bird? He's not his usual colors...
In the afternoon, though it was still windy and cool, it was warmer if you
were out of the we hung out by the pool and hot tub.
We had a spaghetti dinner with salad, wine, and garlic bread on board and watched the Orange Bowl.  Took it easy, read some books, and called it an early was chilly on the boat again tonight :/
Hoping for warmer weather tomorrow since it's the kids last day.

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