Wednesday, January 11, 2012

a few more projects ta-done :)

Today we got moving a little late....that's okay, we're on island time!  I did some general clean up while Donnie got busy with a number of projects.
First order of business...gathering all the tools on the boat, sorting through
them all, cleaning off the rust from the salty air, and consolidating them
into his new waterproof orange tool box, courtesy of Home Depot.
There is no need for two pipe wrenches and three hammers on a 34' boat!
Since Donnie bought a 6 hp motor for the dinghy this summer
back home, time to get the 2.5 motor running and ready to sell.
An hour later, it was sold to Max and Mandy for $150 for
their dinghy, which is one of those cool fold-up boats.
Next project was straightening out the cable TV cluster.  Larry
delivered digital boxes, compliments of Comast, to all the boaters
yesterday.  Installing it was no easy feat, and trying to get 'help'
(from India?!) was complicated by the fact it is a commercial account.
Here, they are trying to isolate the problem on Danny's boat.  Our
cable was faulty, so another trip to Home Depot to buy a more durable one.
A storm finally blew in from the south, from Cuba, across the Straits of Florida,
and into the Keys.  It brought thunder & lightening, and gusts up to 40 mph.
I was down below writing letters, while Donnie was out in this mess hooking
up the new TV cable.  Why?! In a storm?! Soon, I here him hollering about the
rain that poured off the bimini top and down the crack of his backside, lol!
I didn't know whether to hand him a towel, an umbrella, or a golf club :)
While the storm continued to brew outside, Mr. Fix It
was forced down below, into dry clothes.  He was tracking
the intake of seawater. Here he's syphoning out some
water he discovered, that did not belong IN the boat.
In the process, he discovered a crack in the fitting on the fresh water
pipe.  This pumps water to our faucets, however, it was pumping water
into the hatch, and down into the bilge.  No wonder the water pump
ran frequently, and the bilge pump kicked on frequently, too.
Cap'n problem discovered a problem we didn't even know we had.
This was the THIRD trip of the day to Home Depot...hmph.
While it looks as if I do nothing all day, I promise that is not true.  I am usually the one holding the camera!  I took care of a bunch of business on the internet, ordering some supplies, banking business, paying bills, etc.  The biggest accomplishment was making another contact with our 'neighbors to the South'.  Pastor Mayito has agreed to sponsor us.  His associate Pastor, Ernesto, speaks fluent English and will serve as our translator, and his son, Marcos, will serve as our driver, and we will pay for gas.  We need to convert money to Canadian currency, then to CCT pesos when we arrive. We will sail to Marina Hemmingway.  The purpose of this first trip is to meet, get acquainted, visit San Miguel del Padron, the Old Town, and to visit the various missionary projects currently in progress.  This will help us to decide our our skills can best be mtached to provide service to them for His Glory.  I am so excited for this opportunity :) SO...for now, we have more boat projects to tackle to prepare for a passage.  We need to be watching the weather closely, looking for the best weather window.  Our hope is to make the short jaunt south near the last week of January.  We will likely only be gone 5-7 days for this first trip over...prayers will be needed, and much appreciated!  I need to go find my kitty, I think he snuck out again when we opened the boat up after dinner.  Dern cat. Well, wouldn't you know, I no sooner typed that and he just hopped back in the cockpit. He knows he's on a short leash!

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