Sunday, January 15, 2012

Still crankin'

The COLD north wind is still cranking here in the Keys- too much wind for a comfortable sail even.  We were snuggled under all the covers we had on board, and overslept- didn't make it to church.  Instead, I got up and fixed brunch- pancakes, sausage, fresh pineapple, and fresh squeezed orange juice.  We then showered up and made our plans for the day.  Time to tear into Helga (the head) AGAIN...poor Cap'n. At least this time, he didn't have to pull the entire thing, or stick his hand down in the poop grinder, or any other general yuckiness :/

Cap'n tore into our supply locker to see if he had all the parts he needed
to repair Helga.  The seal that draws in saltwater to flush has been leaking. 
That means even though nobody may use the head in twelve hours, the
bowl would be full of saltwater, requiring another flush.  The holding
tank only holds so much, so we were filling far too quickly.  We
should be able to go a week before needing a pump out...we were
only lasting about 4 days.  We all know how momma feels about
her boat smelling like pee....not. happy. at. all  :(
Wouldn't you know, another trip was needed to the Home Depot, this time to get a 3/4" barb fitting.  Rather than taking the head apart to address the leaky seal, he opted for installing a check valve up
above, just behind the bowl.  It ended up being a simple fix, really.  'Simple fixes' are measured in the amount of mess created, and the number of hours or minutes involved.  Only about 20 minutes, and no mess for me to clean up after THAT does make me happy :)

I also scrounged all my change on the boat (pennies, nickels, and dimes) to go buy one more pot for my garden.  It's not that I am flat broke, I just had a bunch of loose change laying around.  Quarters around here are a premium.  They get saved by me for laundry, or stolen by Willis know for what. 

When I planted my garden, I planted rosemary from seed.  I will likely end up bringing it home with me for my herb garden back home.  It won't have enough time to grow big enough for me to begin using it here.  So, I bought a small rosemary plant at the flea market yesterday. I needed a pot for it.  Long story even longer...the Cuban-American check out lady in the Garden Center was not pleased with having to count 32 pennies, six nickels, and seven dimes.  She gave me a tongue lashing that launched into Cuban.  Donnie didn't understand a word, but as we left the store he said to me, "She really wasn't happy with you, was she?!" lol  (So kids, how much was my flower pot?)

This afternoon, though it was cold and windy in the marina, it was beautiful up at the pool.  I built a pot of chicken white chili and we went up for a little sunbathing, swimming, and dominoes with the inlaws.  This was the first time I've laid out since we've been here- clearly a sign that we have been working far too hard, and not relaxing nearly enough!  After we got whipped on by the old folks, Donnie and I went for a swim...a competitive swim.  He gave me a lead start, but caught me on lap 6.  I then lead him all the way to the finish- lap 10. That makes ME the winner, winner, chicken dinner!
I couldn't gloat, I was too busy trying to catch my breath.  Thought my chest would explode- my teeth ached I was breathing so hard!  I obviously need to whip myself further into shape :)

We then came back to the boat, and Cap'n fired up the oven for me.  It had been eight months since I'd used it, and propane still scares me, a little.  I baked cornbread, and chocolate chip cookies, while Donnie went over and 'kept Danny company' while they watched the game.  We carried dinner over to Dan and Biddi's boat, watched the Packers lose to the Giants, and called it a night.  I guess now we're rooting for at least ONE Manning to be playing in Indianapolis for the Super Bowl.  All of you working stiffs out there enjoy the MLK holiday, if you get the day off!  I'm praying that tomorrow the wind will finally clock around to the south and die down a bit...we need to get out for a sail, soon.

1 comment:

  1. Bit chilly in south florida with that wind cranking....guess I'm "acclimating" because I can't believe I'm so cold when it's 55 & the wind is blowing! Love keeping up with your adventures! Be safe & stay warm! Blessings! Monica
