Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Birthday, Cora :)

This morning, George and Desi took off rather early for Pigeon Key to do
some snorkeling.  They sure are having fun on their Oday 19 :)
Willis, on the other hand, slept in.  He was so very, very
tired.  He left last night with lobster on his breath hoping
to meet some high class kitties.  Don't know how that
worked out for him, but he sure was bushed.
Donnie worked on the motor to the dinghy, while I pedal, pedal, pedaled my clown bike to the grocery store.  I needed to get a few more things for Cora's birthday dinner tonight.  It was only a few things-
just $56. worth!  Donnie had to work on the gear shift lever on the outboard.  It was really stiff and not wanting to go into gear easily.  He got the job done, then took the dink out for a spin.
By the time I got home and got the ribs in the oven, Cap'n was hungry for
lunch.  The two captains started talking over the charts in our sailboat,
and decided to move out to Paradise Pointe to feel the ocean breeze.
The morning cat nap must have left him energized.  I caught him sneakin'
off the boat just after noon.  He said something about his best girl
dancer was working the lunch crowd today, and he told her he'd stop in.
Meanwhile, the Captains decided that three heads were better than two,
so Matt, Donnie and Danny plotted out a sail plan for the Bahamas
and parts unknown.  I think they got it pretty well worked out- yay!
Willis was back home within the hour, looking rather disgusted.  I
asked him what happened at the Kit Kat GoGo Lounge, but
he said he didn't want to talk about it. Teenagers.
Since it was Cora's birthday, Jean's much, much OLDER sister, we invited the folks over for a rousing game of dominoes out on Paradise Pointe.  (With permission from Mayor Danny, of course). Between rounds, I continued zipping in and out of the boat working on dinner for tonight- between the stove, the crockpot, and my wee little oven!
And then there was Paps, with his hat cocked sideways...
Pants on the ground, pants on the ground. Lookin' like
a fool with yo pants on the ground.  Hat sideways,
gold in yo mouf, talking like a fool with yo
pants on the ground!
(or maybe he was carrying a heavy load :)
Kids, I bet you didn't know your Papaw is a
gangsta'  You know he's packin' too- always.
He's too sexy for his shorts, too sexy for his shorts...
(notice they're pulled back up where he likes 'em!)
After all that foolishness, I don't even remember who won the dominoes game!  We had bigger plans anyhow.  It was Cora's birthday today.
Dinner's on...Birthday Girl gets to go first.  BBQ pork ribs, hash
brown casserole, baked beans, and grilled bread with mango jelly.
Swallow your bites and say cheese! (eh-hem, Dave :)

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday
dear Cora, Happy Birthday to you!  The Red Velvet Cake was courtesy
of Publix bakery, and while there's a ? on her cake, she's really 82!
After I washed nearly every dish, pot, pan, and utensil I have on Marquesa (THAT was a job!)
we headed to the folk's condo for our weekly date with The Bachelor, and to do laundry.  And after wrestling the king size sheets back on to the V berth, and corralling Willis for the night, it's time for bed- whew!  G'nite all :)