Tuesday, January 29, 2013

company's coming

So, you know I told you I did laundry yesterday, right?  I made the mistake of leaving my laundry money out on the salon table.  Guess who pulled an all-nighter last night?  I think he hit up more than the Kit Kat Go Go Lounge because he came slinking in the boat at about 6:30am.  He must have been pretty hungover because he didn't want breakfast, he didn't make any apologies, he didn't give me any lip, he just drug his sorry self to the darkest place he could find to lay down.
This is where he slept off a major bender...until three in the afternoon.  Dern cat.
This morning I tackled the taxes...and gave up.  It was just too pretty outside to be stuck down in the salon.  So I finished up the cockpit table giving it three coats of polyurethane.  It turned out really nice, no water marks at all. 

Donnie's first success of the day was installing the float sender into the fuel tank and then he finished up the wiring.  We turned the ignition key (ha, still no Bessie) and the needle climbed to full!  We have about another 12 gallons of diesel in our jerry jugs on deck, so we're ready to go cruising!  Finally a plan that came together.

Bessie on the other hand, was still not delivered.  Naturally the part did not come yesterday, but it was supposed to arrive today.  Then the place had an emergency with another boat's engine that required all the technicians getting pulled off their jobs to assist with it.  Long story longer, we still have no Bessie.  We hope she comes tomorrow, as now we have plenty of help.  Matt and Karie came down this afternoon, and we have company!  The weather and/or the wind just has not cooperated with them to get to the Bahamas, so they drove down to hang out here for Super Bowl weekend.  I think there plan now is to got back and get Plan Sea and bring her back here for the month of February.  That's fine with us; we love hanging out with them!

After lunch, Cap'n tackled his other project for the day which was getting the new cockpit speaker wired.  They sound great!  98.7 is coming in loud and clear..."If your winter coat is more than 10 years old, you're in Conch Country!"
After I came back from the grocery store, we took the rest of the afternoon off to play chickenfoot with Mamaw, Paps, Biddi and the two of us.  The game broke up when Matt and Karie got here...that was fine with me, Donnie was killing us all.  After a quick visit, Biddi and I joined Fran, Diane and Dave for a new exercise class that started in the park.  It's a circuit training, and it kicked my tail!  Some of the core exercises were the same as P90x, so I was glad to get a good workout in.  The class only meets on T/R, so I'm hoping Cap'n will go check it out on Thursday while I'm up in Miami.

Biddi had us over for dinner tonight which was excellent.  Anytime I get a break from the galley, it's excellent!  We no sooner got done with dinner and there were about 12 people out on Paradise Pointe with Mayor Dan presiding.  The drinks were flowing and the tall tales were getting taller....we called it a night at about 11:00pm.  Mr. Ridiculous is passed out next to me.  He's so very, very tired.  And he's resigned to the fact that he is on house arrest tonight.  Kids these days...  G'nite, y'all!

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