Monday, January 14, 2013

All is not lost, yet.

This morning, Donnie was ready to face another day with Bessie, armed with a free syringe and some tubing donated by the local Walgreen's pharmacist.  Paps came over to offer is tool-handing assistance and moral support in another round of lubricating the piston rings.  This time it was a concoction of diesel fuel and transmission fuel.  I was off running errands with Biddi, so I didn't have to witness any gnashing of teeth.  So, Ms. Bessie is going to soak another two days and we shall see where that lands us.  The good news is that both Paps and Donnie seem to think they are getting some compression in the second cylinder where there was none.  It's a step in the right direction if this is true.  Paps has worked on enough tractors and farm equipment in his day that he does know a thing or two about diesel engines.  I'm keeping my everything crossed in the meantime.

The really incredible news is that we got an unexpected email from the former owner of Marquesa this evening.  He has been following the blog and knew of our troubles with Bessie.  He offered another suggestion and that was removing the head only to do a valve job.  He assures us the lower unit is newer than the boat, and believes it to be in good shape.  This means we would not have to pull the entire engine, which could potentially save us a lot of B.O.A.T. (s), and a cruise to Mexico this spring could be back on our radar!  He also offered pdf files he has on the engine (super useful) and he suggested a site he uses to secure parts (also, super useful). Regardless of the outcome, Donnie and I are of the belief that things happen as they are supposed to, and if we truly do need an engine overhaul, it may discover something more serious.  Better to deal with a serious problem while safely tied to a dock in a country where parts and assistance is more readily available. You can't really put a price on piece of mind.  Suffice it to say, though, that we are both very antsy to get back out on the water.  That beautiful sail we had over to Banana Bay was two weeks ago already!  pfsh.

So, after Donnie declared his job done for the day, and I was through with running errands, we had  lunch and went to the pool.  Today was the first I have been up there to actually lay in the sun, read, and swim for a few hours.  It was heavenly.  We need to do more of that.  We also had another hare-brained idea while laying out, which may involve some income while we are down here.  More on that later...we'll see if anything comes of it before I delve into it further!  The one photo I had of today by the poolside was quickly deleted by me....which leads me to....

We then attempted our P90x workout, jumping back on that much needed ship.  The time of day was all wrong, and we had far too many interruptions for it to be of any effect at all, so I was thoroughly OVER IT before we were over it.   Tomorrow is another day, and I WILL carve the time out for myself, even if I go it alone.  I was really feeling better about myself and sliding into 50 when I was doing it faithfully- before the holidays struck and derailed all of my progress! 

While carving out work-out time, we also have this week's social calendar filling up quickly :)  The days go so fast in paradise.  I got all of the laundry and bed linens cleaned and put away tonight.  So tomorrow, I have to clean the head and salon area and then I am a free woman.  I'm not sure what Donnie has planned, but I asked him to clean up the chart table area....that's where all of his tools, change, receipts, hats, glasses, and Lord only knows what all else is assembled in that space.  Suffice it to say it is beyond my level of OCPD comfort, so something had best get done.  If I tear into it, it will all disappear. for. ever. and. ever.  I don't think he wants that to happen ;)

In the afternoon, I am hoping we can at least get on the water for a dinghy ride.  Willis T has been so very curious about the dinghy that floats behind the stern of Marquesa.  Several times a day I catch him leaning over the back of the cockpit, as if he's ready to jump in.  I got his life jacket out this evening when I cleaned the litter box, so we may just have to go for a spin.  We have a triple date tomorrow night with our friends to go to the local movie theater, which is just a short walk away.  It's a pretty cool place that only seats about a hundred, half of which are cocktail tables because they serve beer and wine!  Wednesday morning is "Give Bessie a Crank Day", and then at 10am a bunch of us are going on Dan and Biddi's boat for a little lunch cruise over to Burdines :)  I'm thinking there's something on the calendar for Thursday, too, but it escapes me at the moment.  Before you know it, it will be the weekend again already.  Goodness, time flies.

G'night y'all!

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking that maybe you could tell us about the P90x workout thing. It sound's like a video game, but I might want to give it a try.

    On a side note piece of mind is a good thing, don't want my two best buddies lost at sea.
