Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday, good to be in the Keys.

I am almost ashamed to say it was another beautiful day in Paradise- low 80's again, a perfect day for being lazy by the pool.  Work before play, however.  My projects consisted of major house (boat) cleaning, and getting a start on the taxes.  I have been dreading this job.  It's a good week's worth of work every year, between our personal stuff, the Fix It business stuff, and submitting the girl's FAFSA's.  Today I just tackled all checking transactions for 2010.  It's a start, anyhow.  I cannot get motivated when it is so sunny and hot outside.  And I did not want to sit on a smelly boat any longer.  That's right, we continue to have head issues.  That is at the start of Donnie's projects for tomorrow, once Larry comes along and does the pump out.  The latest thought on the head is that the check valve is not properly working, which means Donnie has to tear into and take apart the head.  I could not stomach it; better him than me!

Donnie's major project for the day was to take the starter off the boat.  Remember, Bessie has required a morning beating with the wrench to get her (the engine) to fire up.  Time to figure out where the problem lies.  After taking it off, he pedal, pedal, pedalled on his clown bike to a number of places, with a broken starter in his little bike basket!  Bad news....the old one is shot, and the new one will come in at NAPA on Wednesday morning to the tune of $226.00.  Mr. Fix It may be for hire for a job or two at the resort afterall, if we cannot stop the aterial bleeding of our bank account!

The afternooon was spent with friends by the pool.  Fran and Polly came over, and so did Mac.  Jean was busy packing (for the flight home to IN on Weds. to welcome Meg's new baby girl), and the boys were out shopping (of all things!)  This resort is just beautiful.  I wish I could share it all with you.  I have shown you the pool area and tiki bar previously. But this is the view as I was laying in my deck chair this afternoon.

It is like a botanical gardens here; the flowers, palms, and vegetation
are so pretty.  I have my eye on a few banana stalks, too, just waiting
for them to ripen! Coconuts are everywhere for the taking.
I made a chicken casserole in the crock pot and a jello salad.  We took it over to Mac & Jean's for dinner to share with them and Dave & Diane.  We pedal, pedal, pedalled our clown bikes over there (maybe three miles?)  All I know, is I am seriously OUT OF SHAPE!  I worked up such a sweat, my legs were burning, I was whining, it's no wonder Donnie stayed far ahead of me, out of earshot so he didn't have to hear me gripe!  After dinner, we watched Bachelor (such a pink thing to do).  Donnie bailed out and went to Bryan's for some more guitar playing.  They are trying to teach Chief (Kenny) how to play his guitar; the poor guy has sausages for fingers, it seems!  He'll get it eventually :)
By 10pm, we pedal, pedal, pedalled home again in the dark.  It was a little dicey on unfamiliar bike paths that make sudden S curves.  Thankfully, I managed to stay upright.  Of course, I whined all the way home.  The wind had picked up, and it was a head wind, at that.  When we returned to the boat, it AGAIN smelled like a freakin' outhouse, so I took my pillow and blankie to the cockpit.  I intended to sleep outdoors, until it blew a gale after 11:30pm, that sent me chasing back down below for cover. I can't wait for Larry to get here tomorrow morning for a pumpout.  Something has to be seriously be wrong with Helga, and I am over smelling her stinkin' self. Geeesh!

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