Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I spoke too soon

Last night, Cap'n and I were lamenting about our finances, and all the B.O.A.T.S. we've blown through since we got here, and we haven't even left for the Bahamas yet.  I commented that besides the standing rigging, the refrigerator, or Helga (the head) damn near everything has been replaced- the majority of it this season!

Well...you got it.  I spoke too soon.  Any guesses on which one finked out on us?  I will tell you this much, the mast did not come crashing down on the deck in the middle of the night, thankfully.  Nope, I went to get the milk out of the refrigerator this morning, and it was not working.  It appeared that it had been off the entire night, as the freezer section was completely defrosted and the milk was sitting in a puddle of water at the bottom of the locker.  Really?  Could anything else go wrong?  I looked over at the breaker and it was off, so for a second I thought, "Whew, well, maybe the breaker was accidently flipped off."  I tried to turn it on and it immediately kicked off again.  We have a problem Houston....

After unloading all the dive gear we just stowed away last night, Cap'n poured himself down in the lazarette for a closer look at the situation.  After blowing a few more fuses, and testing this, that and the other with his testers, he finally pulled the inverter (what his hand is on).  One of the pegs looked to have some 'burn' damage.  Off we went to town in search of some answers.  We were praying it was not the compressor...if it was, bring out yet another B.O.A.T.  Ugh.
We first went to SALT (Sea and Land Technologies) to pick a technician's brain.  They have all sorts of cool gadgets and gizmos there.  I am fascinated by the composting head.  We have some friends here who installed one last year on their boat, and they love it.  If you want some interesting 'bathroom reading  material', check it out http://www.c-head.com/  :)  If our Helga ever decides to take a final crap...I would seriously consider getting one...it would make us even more 'green' on Marquesa, for living off the grid.  Oh, you can use coconut husks for the composting material, too, and we have PLENTY of those laying around!

So, the technician gave Donnie a few more ideas of what to check, before purchasing a new 12v inverter ($306 smackers).  We then went down to Sea Wiz, the place where we got our new compressor last year for the AC/furnace unit.  He was closed for the day (random) so it was back to the boat for Plan B.  I meanwhile loaded every cooler and container with ice, and packed up the meat in the freezer (some of which was nearly thawed) and took it to Mamaw and Paps to freeze.  I got the Yeti iced down to cool it, (the Cadillac of ALL coolers- it keeps ice for 7 days!) in case we were going to be without refrigeration for a time.  We fortified ourselves with some lunch, and after hitting some more dead ends with no results, it was back to SALT for Plan C.  Donnie talked with the technician some more, until he was clearly done talking with Donnie.  That honked me off as clearly, at the very least, we were going to have to purchase the 12v inverter as a start.  When we asked if a technician could come out yet today, they were "all booked up" and couldn't get to us until tomorrow.  I counted FIVE MEN in this small shop, and not one of them was sitting at a workbench.  I had to walk back to the car before I wagged my pointer finger and said something snarky...

I had Donnie drop me off at the Home Depot, to get some cleaner for the stainless, and to buy another package of 15 amp fuses to replace the ones we burnt through.  The good news was by the time I walked back to the marina, the new inverter was installed and the refrigerator was already cooling again!  I never thought I would get so excited about spending another $300 bucks.  To say I am sick of spending $$$ on repairs would be a HUGE understatement.  I want to spend $$$ on something FUN for a change. I know, I know, I know.... it comes with boat ownership...it's the price you pay for living in paradise...owning a boat is working on it in exotic places....having a boat is a hole in the water you pour money into....yaddah, yaddah, yaddah.  I get it.  Pity party is over.  For now.

We just got done storing everything back in its place and Cap'n was putting his tools away when Big Ron called and asked us to come up to the pool.  It was the first warm sunny day in nearly a week (it got to 75 today).  It was already 3:00pm, and I had lost my inspiration to clean the stainless on the deck, so to the pool we went.  I laid in a lounge chair until nearly 5pm, and it felt SO GOOD, y'all.
Since I goofed off for the afternoon, I pedal, pedal, pedaled my clown bike to the park for my exercise class.  I even did sprints twice for good measure to burn a few extra calories.  I was still feeling guilty over the oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.  Before I left for class, I suggested that Cap'n go diving for more lobster.  With the two we already had, and we could have Big Ron and Chuckie baby over for dinner.  Cap'n will take any old excuse to 'get wet' anyhow.  It's not like I had to twist his arm ;)

Cap'n Donnie has the Midas Touch with that lobster snare.  He caught six more, making his total for this season...27!!!
I called Cap'n over to watch the sunset with me before he fired up the grill.
The sun has moved around the Seven Mile Bridge now, and we can see it set on the water...

The conditions were looking perfect for a Green Flash...
Though I didn't capture it on film, it was the first Green Flash of the season...maybe our luck is about to change.
We had a delicious lobster dinner with baked potatoes, an Italian salad, and grilled Cuban bread.  I had to have two Tums afterwards...I ate myself about half sick.  I can hardly eat lobster anymore without a belly ache.  That's a damn shame.
The dishes are all done, and the furry beast is in for the night, curled up next to me.  I guess I will plan to work on that stainless tomorrow....unless I get a better offer ;)  G'nite, y'all!

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