Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Going up, she said, uh-huh...

...just as we had started to climb, together, ooo-ooo! Looking up, I said, "Hey look, umm, maybe I could see you tonight?" and she said, "Never!"  Can you name that disco tune from 1977?!  I'll give you a hint, RSO label :)  My brother Kent would name that tune, no problem!  Anywhooooo...I started my morning 60 feet up- the mast of Marquesa, that is :)
Josh, the former owner of Marquesa, has been following our blog, and he noticed that we have mentioned several times that we have had issues with our roller furling on the jib sail wanting to get in a bind.  It has required us to go up and release the halyard to ease the tension off, so that Cap'n can then roll it in.  This is not an ideal situation if you need to get the sail rolled up in a hurry- like with big wind and waves.  On the way up, I stopped at the spreaders to cut a loose bit of wrap on the port side.
The view of Black Fin Resort, aloft Marquesa...
...and Pretty Joe Rock...did you catch that HGTV episode?  It's for sale for 1.2 million. Chump change.

Looking across the entrance to Banana Bay, at our neighbors, Tide's In, Stevedore, and others :)
Looking back into the harbor at Banana Bay, to Mimi, One Gallon Don's boat, Footlose and others :)
And to give you perspective on how high 60 ft. is, this is looking down to the deck of Marquesa.  Big Ron is up on the bow holding that tailing line, and Cap'n had me on the main halyard winch.  (pretty pedi there :)  So, the reason I went up, was at the suggestion of Josh, the former owner.  He had put a restrainer (like an eyelet) about one foot down from the top of the mast to run the jib halyard through.  This brings the line down at a better angle, so the sail doesn't get bound up when we roll it in.  When we had the mast set with a crane in Charleston three years ago, the rigger didn't run the halyard through that eyelet, and we had never noticed it until we opened the email from Josh.  Thank-you, Josh, that solved the problem!
Big Ron helped Cap'n get my feet back on terra firma (sort of :)

Cap'n then retied a bowline knot to replace my half hitch and tape, lol.
Big Ron, Chuckie baby, Cap'n and I celebrated a hard morning's work (eh-hem) with a delicious Cuban lunch at La Nina's.
Mis tres amigos!
Cheers over homemade flan and Cuban expressos- I had three shots, YUM!  I love this place :)
Since it's Momma's last day, we all went to the pool for her final game of chickenfoot.  I've got the bird and the last of the treats from Lori :)
"Where did you see an ostrich carrying a snake?"  "How did he do that?"  "I didn't think you watch that much TV!"  We all got so cracked up over a conversation that made absolutely no sense- it's what happens when four of the five playing couldn't "hear a dump truck driving through a nitroglycerin plant!" (Name that movie :)  It was hysterical!
It was one laugh after another, until the no-see-ums were about to carry us away.  Paps says, "That's-a-my-boy!"

Once again, Mamaw killed us all in chickenfoot.  She is a domino shark!  It was the perfect ending to Mom's stay.  AIS is tomorrow morning at 7:30am. Ms. Biddi is riding along if she can AIS on time.  G'nite, y'all!

PS.  In case, you couldn't name that tune, it was Paul Nicholas in Heaven on the Seventh Floor.  Do you feel like some disco dancing?

And... in case you couldn't name that movie, it was Uncle Lewis in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation- a McDaniel Family Classic!

okay, now it's time for G'nite, y'all.  I've got to rise and shine early, early, early for living in paradise!

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