Monday, February 10, 2014

Momma and Elliebug are here!

Since it was a very LATE night in ER, we took some Tylenol PM's so that we could get a decent night's sleep.  We're both were/are very sore trying to lay down, get comfortable, and breathe without hurting.  We bruised are ribs pretty good, up under our right pec muscle.  It hurts to sneeze.  It hurts to cough.  It hurts to laugh.  Shoot, it hurts to sit on the toilet!  Sometime in the middle of the night last night, I vaguely remember rousing awake enough to rip the tape off of my toes- they were throbbing like no other.  I woke up this morning with pieces of bright pink tape all over my side of the bed.  Thankfully, I didn't get my bare ouchie toes tangled in the covers.

Donnie did some rearranging in the trunk of our car to make room for Mom and Ellie's luggage.  We left at 11:30am for Key West airport, thinking we allowed ourselves plenty of time for the 48 mile trip.  We were slowed way down just trying to get out of Marathon as there was a semi broke down near the start of the Seven Mile Bridge.  A police officer was directing traffic so that we were 'taking turns' in the only lane left available.  Then, as we were coming into Key West, we came across a bad car wreck they also waylaid us some more.  By the time we parked the car and walked into baggage claim, they were just walking in- whew, in the nick of time!

Rather than fight the crowd in Key West, we decided to stop in Summerland
Key at Mangrove Mama's for a late lunch.  We all had the Mahi sandwich- yum!

Elliebug and I compared tans- the girl needs some sunshine!

As we left, we pointed out the "weather balloon" in the sky.  That's one
rumor as to what it is.  The other is that it is a camera pointed at Cuba,
to assist Border Patrol in intercepting refugees before they hit land.

We didn't get back to Marathon to get them checked into the resort until after 4:00pm.  They had a very long day of travel and were in desperate need of a nap.  Their day started rather auspiciously at 3:00am.  It involved a forgotten purse with ID, meds, money, etc., and a car that got stuck in the snow.  In spite of their troubles, they safely made it to Florida, PTL!  Later in the evening, Stephanie then landed in Indy from New Mexico, and she picked up Mom's car to drive back to Mom's.  She is house sitting for Mom and her cat while they vacation here.  Then, in 11 days, Steph will bring Mom's car back to the airport when she flies out to us down here.  She'll text Ellen where she parked the car, and that afternoon when they land back in Indy, they'll have a car to return back home to Middletown. My daughter Carissa (who is a logistics officer in the USAF) would be proud of our exceptional logistics skillzzzzz, lol.

After Mom and Ellie caught a much needed nap, they joined us all at Mom and Pop's for dinner and dominoes.  I made baked pork chops layered with sliced potatoes, sweet onion and cabbage leaves.  You top it with a can of cream of celery soup, cover it in foil, and bake it at 400 for one hour.  Even the two folks who said they don't like cabbage, cleaned their plates entirely.  Aunt Cora made us all two chocolate pies for dessert. Of course, one was sugar free for Pops, and those trying to stay in bikini form for the beach :)

We called it a pretty early night, as I imagine we'll hit the ground with both feet runnin tomorrow'- true to McDaniel form.  It's just how we roll.  Well, I'll be more like step-drag, step-drag, step-drag. Dern broken toes.

As for the furry beast, he had himself flopped and tucked up and under
the settee while we watched the Olympics.  It's rough being a Willis.
G'nite, y'all!

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