Sunday, March 25, 2012

wax on, wax off

Willis made a good straw boss today while Stephanie waxed the topsides,
Donnie waxed the hull, and I cleaned and swept down below. 
He could barely stay awake to supervise. Dern cat.
After a morning's worth of work, we treated ourselves to lunch at
The Hurricane.  From there, it was an afternoon of dominoes, poolside :)
I got my first win of the whole stinkin' season :)  It's taken me all winter long!
This little fella came right to my feet begging for a hand out.
I gave him banana chips- because I love him.
I fixed mexicali chicken for dinner, and we enjoyed
another beautiful sunset in paradise.
You must get bored of the sunset photos, but the colors
are breathtaking and ever-changing.
You can see it brings quite the crowd out to Mayor Dan's
Paradise Pointe to witness the nightly event :)
It is well with my soul.
After dinner we went to Matt and Karie's for a delicious dessert
and to discuss our sail plans for the Bahamas... I have been so busy with
boat guests, I haven't really had the chance yet to do what I most love-
researching, planning, and organizing our travels :)  Tomorrow I will get crackin'!
For tonight, we enjoyed some music by Cap'n.
It was Stephanie's last night, and she requested Cap'ns guitar
playing.  She looks happy, and tanned- vaca in paradise did her good :)
G'night y'all!


  1. Vacation in paradise did do me good and it was all possible thanks to great friends like you and Donnie. I counted it up and I crossed of 11 items on my bucket list. I miss Willis already, dern cat.

  2. glad you had a good time, and the weather was perfect. See you in IN later this summer :)
