Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Dolphin Research Center and more

We started our day with western omlettes and sausages from Cafe Marquesa.  We then chose to divide and conquer.  Greg and Donnie started out by helping Dan reset his starboard stateroom window this morning.  Afterwards, Donnie decided to stay behind to take care of some projects of his own, while Greg, Wanetta, Ellie and I went to the Dolphin Research Center.  I couldn't wait to share it with them- I love this place!  I became a card carrying member today, so I can get four of us in for free, as often as I want, for the next year.  I am seriously considering volunteering there one day a week next winter, I am that in awe of the place.
Calusa was just passing by saying "Hi!"
There are two mommas with babies at DRC right now.  Babies weigh between
20-35 lbs. at birth, and must be immediately taught to swim, and how to surface
to breath.  We watched a very informative session about baby dolphins.  Only
about 50% survive in the wild.  They nurse for 10-20 seconds, every minute or
two, twenty four hours a day for the first three months!  Momma will catch an
occasional break to go hunt, and another female will step in as a nanny and
nurse her calf until she returns- amazing.

Ellie was so excited, she squealed!

Me and my girlie :)

Me and my BFF :)

This sea lion has over a hundred behaviors...very smart!
Here's he's 'dancing' for his fish :)

Kiss, kiss!

Here's a pretty green fella (iguana)

What a great day :)

The weary travelers returned from the canal on the Atlantic side back
to the Gulf side at Banana Bay.  Paps was good and soaked!

Shoes off before coming aboard!

And while we were at DRC today, Donnie had his own wildlife encounter.
This manatee came in for a visit at the marina, and of course, Donnie
broke every marina rule and quickly dove in! 
Nothing like given a back scratch to a 2000 lb. animal!
After our busy, busy day, we finished up with $1.00 tacos at the Hurricane.
Our table had 34 tacos for nine of us- can't beat it :)
The boys went back to the pointe with Dan and Biddi...they continued with the Mexican theme and had maragaritas until well after dark. God only knows what tall tales they were telling!  Skeet, Elliebug and I took a walk up to get a frozen key lime pie dipped in fudge on a stick...holy cow, was that ever good.  We all took our turn in the hot tub, and then it was well past time for bed.  (The boys were feeling no pain, btw :)

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