Wednesday, January 12, 2011

32 degrees and WINDY!

Mast went up today...yesterday they shoveled snow from the cockpit...I thought we left this nonsense!

The crane arrived by 10:00am

Used a BBQ spatula to scrape the ice out :)

Guiding her in the hole! The wind was about
pulling them off their feet- a little scary
The view from below, here she comes!

Somewhere in the process, a paddle was lost
off the windex.  I am SO glad I was not the sorry
sucker that had to go up in the bosun's chair!
The wind was really cranking up there...

Wet mittens? Necessity is the motherhood of
invention...a bungee cord and two chip clips
and they dried quite nicely. At least the furnace works!

   While Donnie and the rigger worked out in the blistering cold, I was toasty warm down below. It literally took me three hours to wrestle the memory foam matress and make up the Vberth.  A blister from the scissors, and the first injury requiring my trusty medical kit (also from the scissors), I was finally able to make the bed.  Its not SAMI standards, but it will do- and it is so comfortable. We took the first trip of the week to West Marine, and the plan tomorrow is to get her in the water :)

1 comment:

  1. Your my heros! It looks mighty cold but I know from experience that boats can be warm and toasty.
