Thursday, January 2, 2014

Willis is sprung!

Willis T walked up the ladder this morning, took a peek about,
and ZOOMED down the ladder through the boat and up into
the Vberth to daddy's side of the bed.  He had his chance to
roam free, but was not interested.  We closed the boat up,
and joined Kenny and Fran for a jaunt to Key West.
Apparently his appetite was not yet in the mood for iguanas.

The trip to Key West involved the purchase of a new treadmill
for our friends....and then it involved taking it out of the box.
Some. Assembly. Required.  We're on island time now- screw it,
it can be done another day!
Ice cream is better than a treadmill, any day!
especially if it's chocolate. on a pretzel cone.
Never heard of a pretzel cone.  It's my new
favorite- the perfect salty sweet combination :)
When we returned late in the afternoon, Willis woke up from his
27th cat nap of the day, and was considering taking a walk about
to the mangroves.
Dad had to call a "family meeting" first, you know, to lay out
the ground rules. First of all, we have to meet the parents of
whoever you plan to "hang out" with.  No bringing home
feral friends, fleas, or other unmentionables.  No missing
curfew.  You miss curfew you're out for the night. And
lastly, if Peg Leg or One Eyed Jack start putting any
pussy cat pressure on you, you have a quarter.  Call us.
We'll come pick you up. No questions asked.  (Oh, and
 Dad may have fibbed a little when he said that new micro
 chip is really a GPS tracking device linked into Mom's
IPhone- that she can track your every move, and you
 know you don't want to have to deal with her flashing green
 eyes or the voice of the Devil that she's been known to
unleash. Just ask the older kids, they'll tell you all about it.)
His head was swimming with all of this new information, then he
caught a case of twitchy tail and considered his options.
He figured he had a few lives left to spare, so
it was worth the risk to make a great escape.
Off he slinked to the mangroves, which are all of 10 feet from the boat.
Oh, but it's a jungle out there!

And so begins the game of "Where's Willis?" for another season.
Some kids caught a nice kingfish and amberjack in about
50 feet of water on the ocean side today.  Impressive fish!
While the kids cleaned their fish, and Donnie
changed out the burner on our grill, I sat in
my bikini in the late afternoon sun.  This was
my view as I made out my grocery list.
Not bad at all when the kids at home are dealing
with six inches of snow today and frigid temps.
We joined Kenny and Fran at Salty's tonight to hear Gary Bush
and his band. The second set he opens up the mic, and the last
set he invited a sax and harmonica player up to join him for some blues.
They were great as always.  Donnie and I danced our flip flops off.

When we pulled up on the blue hog tonight, who came running to greet us, but Mr. Willis T Cat himself.  He was home an HOUR EARLY! He knew not to test the rules on his very first day sprung.

Just another day in paradise....and how was your day?!

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