Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

After the rain cleared last evening, it was time to get
ready for our dinner reservations at Key Colony Inn.  I
have never been there, so I was really looking forward
to it.  Thank you, Jennessa, for the pretty dress for
Christmas.  It fit perfectly for my date night!
Key Colony Beach is a more 'upscale' part of Marathon.  The park next to
the Inn was beautifully decorated for Christmas.  I had a fabulous prime
rib, and Cap'n had a peppercorn New York Strip Steak.  We were living large!
There were eight of us that dined together.  Mamaw and Paps,
Don and Anita from Nashville, and our good friends, Kenny and
Fran.  When we left the restaurant, Key Colony was all lit up
for the holidays.  You know when you're in the Keys when rather
than Christmas bells and stockings on the light posts, there
are lighted starfish instead!  The whole street was lined with them.
We went back to Mamaw and Paps for a cut throat game of
chicken foot. Cap'n was the winner, and Adolph is now safely
roosting on Marquesa.  We called it an early night.
Despite not seeing the ball drop (or the queen drop in Dorothy's
ruby red shoe on Duval Street in Key West- been there, done that)
it was still 2014 when I got out of bed this morning.  I was
greeted by a much skinnier version of Danny in his old slip space!
We started our new year off with gym memberships just up
the street.  Time to whip this 50 year old body of mine back
in shape.  I baked nearly 600 Christmas cookies this year,
and I feel like Cap'n and I ate at least 400 of them ourselves.
Boy am I going to be sore tomorrow!  After our workout,
Donnie took me on the blue hog back to Paps to pick up my
clown bike, and I pedal, pedal, pedaled my tired and sore
self to the grocery to pick up a few things.  Did I mention
how tired and sore I was?  And the fact that it was in the
80's and EXTREMELY humid?!
After lunch, we treated ourselves to our first afternoon poolside.  It was
glorious.  The sun was hot, the water was perfect, several marina members
came up for a visit and a dip, and then Kenny and Fran joined us later in
the afternoon.  Surprisingly, not a soul was at the tiki bar.  Maybe they
imbibed a little too much last night, perhaps?
Late in the day, Cap'n was itchin' to get wet to see what may
be residing under our dock :)  Dinner tomorrow, that's what.
As the sun was setting, Pretty Joe Rock was looking as pretty
as ever.  If you haven't caught it yet, there's an episode on HGTV
called Island Hunters.  Check it out, Pretty Joe Rock is for sale,
and a couple toured through on this show when they were looking
 to buy their own island.  They didn't choose this one, and as far
as I know, it's still for sale....for a cool $1 million +.
Even though it is too early in the season to actually see the
sun set over the Gulf, it was still a beautiful evening in paradise,
don't you think?  I can feel the stress leaving my body already...

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