Friday, January 31, 2014

Paps got a new ride :/

Paps took his first ride in a Mercedes Benz today.  Not too shabby for an 81 year old man.  I'm sure it wasn't the ride on his bucket list, however...

It must be a Keys thing for the ambulance service to be a Mercedes
Benz.  I assure you, I've never seen a Mercedes ambulance in Indiana!
Paps was admitted to the hospital, likely for the weekend.  It's nothing
to worry about- combination flu/fever/dehydration/sugar had him in
a sorry state this morning.  A few days in the hospital will get him
straightened out and feeling good as...almost new.  He was looking
and feeling better when we visited him this evening.

After Paps was admitted and settled in, I took Mamaw back home, and Donnie left to help Kenny install a new bilge pump in his boat.  I spent the afternoon doing three loads of laundry- Keys style.  That means I throw in a load, go to the pool.  Change a load, go back to the pool. Fold a load, go back to the pool.  Get a cold drink, go back to the pool.  Afterall, it was clear blue sky and 81 degrees today.  In my defense, I did a thorough bleaching, polishing, washing, and cleaning of the boat down below.  Even at that, a day's worth of housework on Marquesa takes me all of about 1 1/2 hours.  That's my kind of housework!  (That did not include putting away all of the clean laundry and making up the Vberth with the clean bedding- add another 45 minutes for that chore alone :)  Living in a much smaller space, with less "stuff" certainly has its perks, afterall.

After we checked in on Pop at the hospital at about 5:00pm, we met up with our friends for Friday Night Pizza Night.  Tonight we tried out a new place (new to us).  It's the Iguana Grill on Knights Key.

Kenny showed up with a shirt on from The
Chicken Store on Duvall Street in Key
West.  The man knows how much I
hate, I really do.

Donnie had to make good on a bet with Fran from a few
weeks ago.  We had a new waitress at our last dinner at
Salty's. Let's just say, this sweet girl was on the struggle
bus with her new job as a server.  They had a bet that she
would not be working there in two weeks when we
returned. (We had a standing dinner date every other
Thursday at Salty's to hear Gary Bush and his band.)
Well, she wasn't there two weeks later- not because
she was fired, but because the restaurant burned to
the ground.  Technically, Fran won the bet by default.
She was happy to win, but sad that we lost our
favorite hangout.  Doesn't she look sad? No really,
where our we going to get our favorite Key Lime-y
grilled chicken sandwich served on a pretzel roll?
That's catastrophic in itself.

Happy faces all around- four years later and we finally found the best pizza
 in Marathon! We never even heard of the Iguana Grill until this past weekend.
It's reasonably priced (that, in itself is difficult to find in the Keys)
and the pizza was fabulous!  We'll be back next Friday for sure.
And the ice cream cones are only $2.25 :)

And Kenny was a happy man when she brought out her own special recipe
of pulled pork for the table to sample...after we already had dinner. Kenny
 did most of the sampling.  The man has a hollow leg, I swear.

Don't be alarmed if I am late in posting the next couple blogs.  Our dance card is beyond full.  We have the pre-party to the Superbowl Party tomorrow on the Pointe.  The band that Donnie plays in "Five Sheets to the Wind" will be playing for that one. The marina party with Larry's famous BBQ ribs will be in the afternoon of game day on Sunday.  Then we have two more parties after that for the Superbowl game itself.  Whew! We may all be a little too partied out in the coming days- Willis included.  I had better rest up now while I can.  G'nite, y'all!

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