Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Dive lesson

It has remained chilly in the Keys all week.  I hate that for our friends from back
home. Though its just in the 60's, we were able to escape the cold north wind, for
 the most part, up at the pool. But it got really chilly when a cloud passed overhead.
At lunch at the Hurricane, Brian gave us the long story of his sunglasses, and
all that they have been through together in the last fifteen years.  They were
like an old friend to him- until Wendy accidentally stepped on them at the pool.
The same thing happens to me whenever I start to admire my fingernails-
I will break a nail within the next 24 hours!
Late in the afternoon, Donnie gave Brian a scuba lesson in the pool. 
Brian looks like he was enjoying the closeness of Donnie a little too much!

I must say, Donnie is a very good teacher- scuba diving, snow skiing, etc., but
 the truth here is that Brian was a natural!  He took to diving like a fish to water.

Before long, it was time to graduate to salt water, so they went to the marina.
They were hoping to see the barracuda and the school of rainbow parrot
fish that hang out around the boats. It was late in the day and there
wasn't any boat traffic.  It seemed like a good idea....

They made a perfect giant stride entry, and got about twenty minutes into
the dive when another boater called the dockmaster on them for diving
in the marina.  With the wind and waves, we couldn't get our friends out to
 the reef.  Donnie tried to explain that he just wanted to give his friend an
opportunity to dive in the saltwater. With the threat of getting us thrown out
of Banana Bay, the boys reluctantly got out.  Not such a good idea after all. 
We spent the evening with Mac and Jean.  We were treated to a fish fry
(porgies and yellowtail) with all the fixins to go with it.  I made a mango cobbler
for dessert, and Wendy got the homestyle vanilla ice cream. We then taught
Brian and Wendy how to play chicken foot.  Again, Brian was a natural-
geesh!  He was beating us all by a long shot until the final round.
Donnie swooped down and stuck Brian with over a 100 points the last hand.
Adolph von Chickfoot was saved from having to return to the
frigid, artic winter back in Indiana!  Whew!  G'nite, y'all :)

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