Wednesday, February 15, 2012

pool party

A beautiful morning dawned here in paradise...the humidity is down, the sun is hot, there's hardly a cloud in the sky and a gentle 5-10 knot breeze.  We were hoping to 'get off the dock' today, but it wasn't meant to be.  I got up to fix breakfast, only to discover that the refrigerator konked out in the night.  Wouldn't you know it was right after I filled it to the brim from my late night run to the grocery?  I checked the breaker, and the thermostat...that's the extent of my electrical know-how.  Looks like yet another job for Mr. Fix It.
The first order of business was to empty out the 'shed' then fold himself
down in the deep locker to begin troubleshooting with the voltage tester.
First Mate's job is to hand tools to the Cap'n, while
Willis' job is to supervise whatever boat project is
going on- he makes one helluva supervisor.
While Dad disassembled various parts and took them to
town for further testing, Willis felt the need to jump in
and supervise up close and personal for himself.
With no news on the status of the fridge for today (we should know the damages tomorrow), we were 'dead in the water' so to speak.  We still have a working engine, a working head, and sails....but we are now without the AC/furnace, and a refrigerator/freezer.  Paps offered his assistance with Operation Save the Groceries, and helped me sort and load everything into three coolers and fill them with ice.  The freezer contents were delivered to their condo to be stored in their freezer for the time being. 
With nothing left to be tackled on the to do list, a pool party seemed in order :)
Mom has serioiusly been working on her tan
in the week she has been here.
Kenny, Big Ron, and Donnie....boys will be boys.
(it looks like Big Ron has a busted wing, doesn't it?)  He must have
'twerked' it- or whatever it was he said- that NC accent is something else!
They must have overexerted themselves, I found them in the
hot tub not too long afterwards.
Then we were visited by a new friend.  She took to eating cashews out of our hand.
I named her Sally. Donnie told her to hide him from Pops,
"he eats those damn things" (Christmas Vacation, anyone?!)
We're fast friends. I'm a squirrel whisperer!
As the party was breaking up for the day, Big Ron was
reaching for his 'titty britches' :)  Say what?!  His Tshirt.
That was a new on for me, lmao!
After a rough start, the day ended on a high note...I discovered Mango Mania :)
PS.   On a personal note, I am seriously disappointed in this group of women on Survivor that premiered this just hardens my resolve to try again. GEEESH! 

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