Thursday, February 2, 2012

detox, taxes, and fish

Kenny was up and at 'em this morning trying to scrounge up some fishermen after his morning workout.  Donnie and Matt thought fishing sounded like a good thing to do, so I packed the cooler and sent them on their way.  It was a good thing, too, cause Willis was not pleasant company to be around.
After last night's intervention, he's now on house arrest (again).
I was attempting to work on the taxes...
...Willis had other things in mind.  He was too busy pissin' and
moanin' in the throes of detox.  Can't say I feel sorry for him. Dern cat.
...and then he was down for the count.  I very gently moved him
to Dad's side of the bed, in case he was going to get sick...
so I could get back to the's a shame to be down in
the boat on a gorgeous sunny day.  Hope the boys are catchin' :)
Donnie caught a cravelle jack!  He said he put up a good fight;
too bad he's not worth eating :/  Back he went into the ocean.
Now that's what I'm talking about!  Hogfish is delicious eatin'!!
They cleaned fish for an be saved for another day. 
Tonight was 25 cent wings at The Hurricane.
Kenny ordered two chickens and a coke.
You would have thought he hadn't eaten in a week. He must
have worked up some appetite out on the water today.
He was so neat about it, too.
After Cora's chocolate cake, he was done.  C'mon Fran,
let's go to bed so these people can go home!
I came back to work on the taxes after dinner, but you-know-who
had other plans in mind.  I thought he was feeling a little better.
He was even purring. Turns out he was sucking up to Mom
 trying to weasle some cooking wine out of her galley.  Dern cat. 
After I told him NO! for the third time, he became a little testy...
brought the claws out and started biting.  I'm trying to be patient
and understandng.  I realize alcohol is a depressant and can
make him moody as h**l.  It's going to be a barrel of monkeys
around here until we can get him through the first 72 hours
of detox.  As long as he doesn't get sick on MY side of the bed.

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