No big news of any sort to report...not that we have much in the way of news anyhow :) We are definitely on "island time" down here. Donnie did spend the better part of the day chasing down an electrical issue. The house fans were no longer working. They kept tripping the breaker. This started after he cleaned the bilges yesterday, which he was spraying them down with a garden hose...a loose wire or wet wires somewhere? Paps took us to run some errands, then stayed to help Donnie with the electrical issue. This left me sequestered on the Vberth again, as the whole 'house' was torn up, floor boards and all. It was my job to say if the fans in our berth came on our not...I failed. I fell asleep for about two hours. I guess I am on island time, too. The good news is the fans are all working properly. Score one for Mr. Fix It yet again. :)After his project, Donnie and Danny escaped to the pool. In reality, this meant they were sneaking away for some hotwings during happy hour. Boys!
The rest of the evening was spent with our good friends, Dan & Biddi, eating snacks and watching the final game of the NCAA. It was a HUGE disappointment, as neither team played very well. I have never seen so many missed shots in all of my life; and UConn wasn't giving up anything in the paint for the Bulldogs. It was a terrible final game...frustrating, for certain. Ugh....time to just cash it in and call it a day.
Clearly, Willis is on "island time" too; all day, every day. |
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