We got off to a late start today....boat life as caused us to become rather lazy! By the time we really got moving, it was after 9:30am, and I didn't feel like fixing breakfast. We invited Dan & Biddi to join us, since they are leaving soon, and we went to the Conch Cafe. It was tasty...but breakfast is my favorite meal of the day anyhow :) Afterwards, I pedal, pedal, pedaled my clown bike to the post office. I mailed a second box of winter clothes home. Since it is in the upper 80's in the day, nearly 80% humidity, and still nearly 80 overnight, it is safe to say that we no longer need our long underwear and jeans! There is weather moving in tonight and tomorrow, maybe it will cool down a bit?! One can only hope.
After I pedal, pedal, pedaled my clown bike to the post office, I then pedal, pedal, pedaled my clown bike to the grocery store. Donnie stayed behind to tend to some boat projects. There's always a boat project or two, or five, or ten, that needs attention. I could have used his basket to help carry groceries, because once again, I had $80 worth in about 10 sacks that I had to pedal, pedal, pedal my clown bike back to the boat...in a driving headwind no less. I couldn't even coast as I would nearly stop and topple over! Since we had a late breakfast, we snacked around a bit, and read our books under the shade of our palm tree this afternoon while we waited for our company to arrive. Steve and Suzie, friends of ours that worked with Donnie at GM, were taking the ferry from Ft. Myers to Key West, then the bus from Key West to here today.
And this is how Steve walked up to our boat slip!
You are not mistaken, that would be a tshirt tucked in
his speedo, with his cowboy boots on, oh my Lord!!!
(I'm calling him Cousin Eddie from now on) |
We had cocktails, showed them around Banana Bay, swam in the pool and had half price chicken wings during happy hour. They then decided to go return to the scene of the crime yesterday, to do some snorkeling, while I stayed back and made up kebobs to throw on the grill for dinner tonight.
I watched a beautiful sunset with Dan & Biddi, such that it was. There
were low laying clouds again tonight, so we didn't see it sink on
the horizon- no green flash. It looked like a watercolor painting.
We definitely have weather moving in tonight or tomorrow. |
Yep, they came in on the dinghy at nearly hard dark... no lights on,
of course. My husband just likes living on the edge. I'm starting to
think he takes more after Mamaw who views most rules as just mere suggestions! |
After our late dinner, Suzie had a hankerin' for a key lime pie dipped in chocolate and frozen on a stick, so we set out for a walk. The place had already closed, so we ended up with frosties from Wendy's...then the fun began. She introduced me to geo-cacheing. OMG, it's so much fun! I have to get one of these! If you remember, we stumbled upon one by accident when we went in the dinghy to the mangroves with Marc and Wendy back in February. I didn't quite understand the concept at the time. Steve bought Suzie one of these geo-caching GPS's for her birthday, which looks about the size of a cell phone.
We found the first one hidden in some rocks right outside of Banana
Bay, near the dive shop next door...I was instantly hooked! |
The next one was a half mile away hidden in some shrubs under a
coconut! The coconut was screwed to a lid that had been covered
by coconut husks, and under that was this military box full of
trinkets and goodies. I got a Tshirt for Donnie!!! |
I can't wait to go tomorrow...we looked up some more in the area. There are several hidden down near Sombrero Beach, and a couple out in the mangroves. Weather permitting, tomorrow we'll sail to the Atlantic side, towing the dinghy. We'll anchor up in Whiskey River, then take off in the dinghy for the mangroves and the beach looking for more! I gathered up some goodies from the boat to leave behind in the ones we find. I'm so excited!
Right now, everyone has turned in for the night (it's 1:15am afterall). I am watching the lightning through the hatch of our Vberth, the rain is coming down steadily on the deck, and the boat is really rocking in our slip...as in rocking me to sleep..G'night all!
the dinghy
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