Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Only 7 gallons

This morning Donnie was up and at 'em for his last fishing trip with his buddy Kenny and his parents.  I spent the morning still taking care of business.  I had lots of stuff to mail at the post office, a little more cleaning down below, and a grocery run.  It was desperately needed since I had lost nearly everything when the fridge conked out on Sunday.  It was really strange stepping off the boat this morning...there was not a speck of breeze, and the Gulf of Mexico was still as could be.  It was like glass, perfect for water skiing. (or parasailing!)  It was almost eerie, it was so quiet.  With list in hand, I pedal, pedal, pedalled my clown bike to town.

I was a bit over zealous in my grocery shopping.  I nearly couldn't
get it all home! 
After stowing away groceries, and putting a pork tenderloin in the crock pot for some BBQ tonite, I made my way up to the office to take care of some online business; banking and craigslist. 

We are attempting to sell Donnie's captain's chair on craigslist,
since it didn't fit on Marquesa :(

The Gulf of Mexico was eeriely calm today.  It was like glass;
gave me a hankerin' to go water skiing!
We watched the sunset with Dan and Biddi- they
were up to their usual tricks!

It was perfect conditions for a green flash, and we saw it, AGAIN! 
Wednesday is Survivor night, so after the sunset we retired to our cabin to watch Survivor and American Idol.  By 10pm, Dan came knocking on our boat, "Donnie! Come have a cocktail with me!" You can't resist Dan, he can sound so pitiful and forlorn.  So it was an hour of story-telling and sillinesss before we called it a night. Funny story....Tomorrow Dan has a fuel truck coming to Banana Bay to fill him up.  They're getting ready to shove off for the Bahamas in the next week or so, and he needs about 200 gallons (at $4 bucks a gallon!)  Dan asked Donnie if we needed any fuel, to which Donnie replied, "I'm only down about 7 gallons right now."  Gotta love sailboats!!! G'Night all :)

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