Saturday, March 1, 2014

off to the races

Today was a matter of playing catch up.  First of all I had to catch up on rest.  I slept in this morning while Donnie and his friends all went to garage sales.  It felt G L O R I O U S.  I woke up to a quiet boat, a Willis by my side, the sun streaming down the hatch on my face, and nothing but blue sky above me.  It's a high pressure system that's moved in, cooling down the temperature a few degrees and taking away much of the humidity.  Ahhhhh.....

With nothing but time on my hands, what's a girl to do?  I couldn't wait to get up and tackle boat chores.  I NEEDED to get my boat and life back in order after a month of company and parties.  It felt great to clean the head, the litterbox, purge all of the trash and clutter, to wipe down every surface, and stow away all the excess that was out for company.  I'm a freak; I know.  Next I gathered up every last bit of laundry; if it was not where it usually belongs, it went in the washer.  Willis narrowly escaped being thrown in the hamper, too, as he was not where he usually cat naps. 

I had every towel we own hanging on our life lines this afternoon to dry.  Marquesa was looking a little like the Beverly Hillbillies.  At least the laundry on the lines was clean.  It took no time for them to dry, in the sun and northerly breeze.  I lamented as I took the laundry down that it would have been a beautiful day to be sailing.

People have been asking in the last day or so if I am okay.  They think something is bothering me, or I am upset about something.  I admit I have a lot on my mind at the moment.  Thoughts too numerous to mention, and not worth sharing.  I am not mad.  I am not sad.  I am not upset. Only another introvert can understand what I am feeling.  I need the quiet.  I relish in the quiet.  Being quiet recharges my batteries and restores my soul.  It's why I love my log cabin in the woods.  It's why I love sailing out on a great big ocean, with the sun on my back and the wind in my face.  I am at peace there.  I am happy.

Now don't get me wrong.  I love my family.  I love all of our friends.  I am grateful for each and every one of them.  I mean that sincerely.  But one party after another, one gathering after another, one guest after another begins to leave me feeling a little frazzled.  Where my Cap'n's batteries are charged by all talking, laughing, and being with others,  I am just the opposite.  Sometimes the chit chat, the noise of a party, leaves me feeling exhausted.  It seriously wears me out.  Right now, I feel worn out.  We've been together 18 years, I think he would understand that about me by now.

Honestly, it's why I drink diet Mt. Dew while I teach, or have a Cuban coffee to start another day of social activities.  I have to get myself jacked up for the occasion.  Man, I hope there's diet Mt. Dew in China. 

After an afternoon of cleaning and such, it was time to hop on the blue piglet and head to the races.  For the record, too, I am still a bit anxious about getting back on it.  Okay, I'm alotta anxious.  I still have some very sore ribs from where the bike was laid down three weeks ago.  I feel vulnerable and exposed on the scooter.  On the other hand, my Cap'n feels free and at home on it; he's been driving some sort of wheels since he was ten years old.  It didn't help matters that when we went to dinner with Peter and Rita on Friday night, we came across a mangled bicycle in the middle of Highway 1.  It made me feel sick to my stomach, seeing all of the emergency vehicles and a lone bicycle laying on the pavement.  We were so fortunate to only come out with some road rash and bruises.

Anyhow, we were off to the races...

The 545th Annual Pig Races, that is.

Check out the names of these pigs.  I placed my bet
on the names I liked the best- Pork Chop Pam, Brittney
Spear Ribs, and Rolling Thunder.  It was a dumb
strategy; my pigs sucked hind teet.

Paps was dressed for the occasion, the only thing
missing was his suspenders, lol

and, they're off!!!!

As you can see, the first two heats were over in a matter of
seconds.  The last race was with the big ol' pot belly pigs.
The announcer called for big ol' audience members to
cheer their pig on to the finish line.  Our bet was on the
Number 1 pig, Rolling Thunder.  We volunteered Big Ron
to be our head cheerleader :)  Go Number One!!!!

Those pot bellied pigs came flying out of the gate- faster than the speed of light!

Frannie's Number 2 Pig, Tyrone the Terrible kept laying down.  She
was coaxing him along to the best of her ability.

He was making his move.  It looked like Tyrone the Terrible was going to
pass Heavy P once and for all, but Tyrone the Terrible faded in the
homestretch.  He was so very, very tired, he laid down again.

Our pig Rolling Thunder FINALLY came around the track, long after
the other pigs were done, fed, and back in their pens.  We sucked.

After those that won collected their earnings, we all walked down to Keys\
Fisheries for dinner.  As always, the food was wonderful and the tarpon
were begging for left overs.  There wasn't any at our table! 

As we left the restaurant, this sweet thing was on the back of someone's
bike.  I told the gang that will probably be me the next time we lay
the blue piglet down.  We kind of resemble each other, don't you think?

Another day done.  Another 500 pets Willis garnished
from friends, family, and passerby's. All is well in paradise.
G'nite, y'all!

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