Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Cap'n Donnie continued to spend the majority of his day on the To Do list.  He's feeling the frustration over working in cramped, hot quarters while trying to figure out the continuing electrical problems.  I'm feeling the frustration over dealing with the dreaded taxes, and the approaching deadline to get them to our accountant.  We both are feeling the frustration of the continuing bleeding of our boat fund.  We have spent two third's of the boat fund, in a matter of just seven weeks.  Holy cow.  At least we are able to joke that owning a boat is like owning a summer lake cottage...that needs a new roof....and windows...and a new kitchen faucet...and tile in the bathroom....and a new toilet in the half bath....and a storm door....and the dock repaired....and a new fuel pump on the fishing boat...and a load of gravel for the driveway....you get the idea.  I think it all adds up to about the same amount of B.O.A.T.S.  After the usual shopping for parts and hardware and such, we treated ourselves to lunch at The Hurricane, where we could sit and relax a spell and enjoy the air conditioning.  It is a hot one today, close to the mid 80's and the humidity is up.  We haven't been running the air during the day as the boat is wide open and with so many compartments torn up, that there would be no point.  So I sat in my bikini and worked on taxes...with a fan blowing on me...and a cold drink....
...and a Willis splayed out on my work table.  He's so helpful.  Dern cat.
Late in the day we both had our fill of heat and frustration, so I left to go work out, and Cap'n decided to go diving for lobster.
Not more than an hour later, he had eight legal lobsters in the bag!  Cap'n and Danny are going out tomorrow to hunt for some more.  The plan is to have a big lobster feed tomorrow night.  Yum!
Mom walked down to the boat today (over 700 steps- she counts them!).  She and I were both feeling a little lonesome today for Emily.  She did tell me, though, that this was the first time she did not feel overheated or out of breath walking that far.  She's been swimming in the pool, too.  I'm really proud of her for making herself get up and go.  She's needed to improve her strength and stamina, as it's really been zapped these last few years while she's dealt with cancer.  This is a HUGE accomplishment!  I fixed sloppy joes, baked potatoes and baked beans for dinner, and then sent Mom with a plate when I took her home.  I think asking her to walk back home would have been pushing my luck, and hers, lol.

So, the good news for the day is that Cap'n managed to replace a leaking fuel return line, and he installed a new tachometer gauge.  He'll need to calibrate it tomorrow as its off about 300 rpm's.  Now the oil pressure gauge is working, the tachometer is working, and we have a new fuel gauge that is working!   The only one that still needs attention is the engine temperature gauge.  The good news for me is I got through a mound of receipts and charge card statements, and I am hopefully well on my way to meeting that deadline for our accountant.

Best of all, in spite of our frustration, we got to do it all in paradise :)  G'nite, y'all!


  1. Let me know when the lobster feed is, I'll be right down, I'll even help on some boat projects. As always we are enjoying your blog, sorry for all your troubles. Tell everyone hello for us, love you guys, Greg

  2. Greg, The lobster feed was last night...we had 13 of them, and two left over. I even thought of you and said they had your name on them! We certainly could have used two Mr. Fix It's these last several weeks. dang it.
