Sunday, February 23, 2014

Five Sheets to the Wind and a Penny

We started our fun day Sunday with a great message at church.  The guest preacher talked about the life of abundance that God intended for us all.  It is our own poor choices, our own undoing, when we do not experience that abundance.  Many times people interpret abundance as financial abundance.  While that would be nice, things like peace of mind, integrity, love, etc., also give us full hearts and full lives.  He spoke of Eve in the Garden of Eden, who was granted a life of abundance so long as she stayed from the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden.  We all know how that turned out. Like Eve, when we sin, we lose so much.  Think about it...when we sin we lose our self respect, we are embarrassed at getting caught (as in Adam and Eve realizing their nakedness in the Garden of Ede, Genesis 3:1-19.) It was scriptural based; from the Garden of Eden, to Jesus turning the water in to wine, to the story of two fish and five loaves.  It was very thought provoking.

After church we visited Danny for a bit at Black Fin, then headed over to the Hurricane for lunch.  I was not all that hungry as I've managed to catch a head cold.  I can't remember the last time I've had a cold, so I should count my blessings there, too.

It was a lazy afternoon until we went to the Marathon Yacht Club for the Great Looper's party. 

This gives you an idea of the route boaters take to complete the
Great Loop.  It can be done in a sailboat, but there are times you
have to step the mast as there is not enough clearance for some
of the bridges.  It would be much easier in a trawler, which is
what most folks do.  The people who attended the event today
have all completed the Great Loop.
Nothing like kickin' off a party with some Jimmy Buffett

I was really proud of my honey!  Guess that makes me a groupie....

He has lots of groupies :)

They should really rename themselves "Five Sheets to the Wind and a Penny".
Brian is on lead, Len and Donnie are on rhythym, Penny trades with Dan
on bass, Dan plays bass, harmonica or mandolin, and Larry is on the banjo.
They sounded great in spite of it being blazing HOT today.

It's a rare occasion to get Len to take the lead, but he really should more often.

About 135 attended the party.  The food was delicious,
the cold drinks hit the spot, but did I say it was HOT?

We were all melting, and by the time the party was over, we decided to head to the pool at Banana Bay.  Larry and Jackie, Len, Peter and Rita, Stephanie, and Donnie and I hung out the rest of the night.  The boys continued to play music until nearly midnight.  I don't know how Donnie could even manage; his fingers had to be in the twilight zone.  It was good conversation (philosophical, of course, with Len leading the charge :), good company, and good times.  And the pool felt GREAT.
G'nite, y'all!

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