Monday, April 1, 2013

spring cleaning!

Now that the mixing elbow/exhaust system is reinstalled, I finally got to put Marquesa back together today.  First thing this morning, we took care of some banking business, bought some anti freeze, took back some stuff to Home Depot, and met with Luis.  He was glad to see us- even more glad to hear that Cap'n rebuilt the mixing elbow and reinstalled it over the weekend.  He has been confounded by the soot problem- the soot does not leave an oily film, we haven't been blowing black smoke, etc., the usual sorts of diesel problems.  After talking to various people from Universal and Kubota, he felt that it was not an issue with the valves or injectors.  In fact, according to the manufacturer, there shouldn't be any shims used at all.  He also said we should pull about 2800 rpms under load.  Donnie got 2600 rpms under load at the dock yesterday.  However, Cap'n also replaced the tachometer earlier this winter, (the other one was ruined in the flooded cockpit over the summer) and it may not be dialed in correctly.  At any rate, we are finally on the right path, it seems.  Luis wants to take Marquesa out for a sea trial tomorrow morning, to see how it performs, and to see if our tach is reading correctly or not.  Fueled with this good bit of news, that the engine should not need any more real 'major work' done, I was eager to get home and get cleaning once and for all.  I was also fueled by a Cuban coffee, so I was really jacked up and ready to clean!

Every fiberglass surface was bleached and cleaned; every wood surface was polished. Marquesa was spring cleaned from top to bottom.  A clean boat makes for one happy, happy, happy First Mate!  (Willis was snacking :)  And when Cap'n got back from helping Kenny with his boat, he scrubbed the exterior of Marquesa, so she's sparkling on the outside, too.  Now THAT really makes the First Mate happy, happy, happy!
We finished cleaning the boat in time to finish up our researching on the internet for a new dinghy.  In the end, we decided on a new 8'6'' Saturn- it should be here before the weekend.  Hooray!
We no sooner got done spending another B.O.A.T., and we were called up to go for a dinghy ride with Dan and Biddi (on their dink, obviously ;) to watch the sunset.  One gallon Don, Thud (aka Kevin), Justin, and Diesel were also heading out in their dink.  It is their last FL sunset for awhile, as they are headed home to NJ tomorrow.  More friends are leaving us :(  In fact, Maya, Jenna Star, Yesterday's Dream, and Stevedore all left today.  The mass exodus off the islands has begun. 
Diesel REALLY needs to learn how to relax on a boat!
It was looking to be another promising sunset...
As pretty as it was, I think Diesel was sad.  He somehow knew it was his last night here.
As the sun continued to set...
Diesel continued to sigh and moan in the boat.  He was pitiful :(
But that was really the end of the sunset, because of the low lying clouds on the horizon.
Still it was a beautiful evening.
And for good measure, as we all pulled back into the marina, the boys threw a stick in the water, and Diesel jumped in after it.  He swam all the way back to their sailboat, and climbed the ladder for the last time this season.  We'll miss you, Murphy family, and Diesel...until next year :)  G'nite, y'all!

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