Monday, January 7, 2013

a little bit of progress :)

Donnie and I are still snottin' and feeling like like crap, but we decided it was time to just soldier through.  The to-do list keeps growing the more we sit and look around and it's starting to feel a bit overwhelming.  We started the day by going to CVS for some much needed prescriptions (Thank-you, Ness :) then we went to Mamaw and Paps to unload the Jeep!  I'm sure THAT was much appreciated (tsk tsk).  We just took up a small corner in their spare bedroom closet.  We lost our 'garage' (the car top carrier) in a parking garage mishap at Miami Int'l airport last year.  So THAT'S what that bar hanging down at the entrance is for...anyhooo...

Donnie needed to make a trip to Home Depot, our home away from home, and I took time to go over to the garden shop.

My garden's planted! A tomato plant, bell pepper, basil, oregano, chives, rosemary and some pretty flowers. Momma's happy:)
Do you see what I see? Somebody was supervising me from the mangroves.
Donnie made up a new fuel line for the dinghy...that's one thing ta-done.
Willis was taking it tough up in the Vberth with Dad's fan blowing on him full speed. Spoiled rotten cat.
Donnie spent the late afternoon til sundown working on replacing switches for the new glow plug and starter switch.
Willis, of course, was supervising.  As usual.  Dern cat.
Paps offered his two cents worth, too, and handed the Cap'n tools :)
Such a sassafras.  He could be a cat model; he knows how to find the light :)  He is a pretty handsome boy!
Willis was up on the bow waiting for the sun to set.  He clearly owns the boat.

It was a gorgeous sunset, even though it was on the other side of the bridge. So beautiful.

After dinner we took our first hot tub :)  Then tuned in for a sad first half of ND football :(

The other good news of the day was that I got a new blade ordered for our wind generator, and Donnie made a connection with "Louis" a diesel technician who is going to do a diagnostic on Bessie tomorrow (to the tune of $100/hr.- yikes).  Next up, I'm going to do a web search for new cockpit speakers tomorrow, and Donnie is going to install the new fuel line on the dinghy, and we'll see what else gets done.  We're making a little progress...slowly but surely.  G'nite y'all!

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